What is Heitz System's technical service?
What is Heitz System's technical service?
Support tailored to your needs
Speed Flexibility Quality
Thomas and Brandon, members of the technical team, tell us the guideline: "A ticket in the morning must be answered in the morning, a ticket in the afternoon must be solved in the afternoon. The aim is that at the end of the day no customer should be left without a response. Of course,the customer can refuse the solution, in which case we immediately look for a new one. Our aim is to respond to all requests in the shortest possible time. The technical department makes it a point of honour to respond within 24 hours and to find the appropriate solution within 48 hours.
"93% of requests processed within 24 hours
The strength of the quality of exchanges with our technical service is based on trained personnel on site and in direct contact with the operators. The effectiveness of our support system, with ticketing, is based on technicians who can be contacted directly on our site and who are committed to responding to you as quickly as possible: last year, 93% of requests were processed within 24 hours.